Research labs across the world are working towards creating “securitized hardware”: new technologies that will enable chip designers to safeguard hardware against all known classes of software-exploitable vulnerabilities, such as memory errors, information leakage, and code injection. The efforts are being funded by the DARPA SSITH program.
We are kicking off public red teaming on alpha, proof-of-concept hardware at DEF CON in 2019. We invite hacking experts across the world to join us in red-teaming the hardware as it is being developed throughout the multi-year effort.
We kicked off the public demonstration of SSITH secure processors at DEF CON in 2019. The kick-off was made possible by the generous support of the Voting Village and their offer to use the space available to them. For updates and news, follow the Voting Village here
The public repositories with all relevant materials can be found here:
Voting System
Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE)
The secure hardware work is funded by
DARPA’s SSITH program:
System Security Integration Through Hardware and Firmware
The demonstrator is part of the effort to
evaluate hardware security properties:
Balancing Evaluation of System Security Properties with Industrial Needs
The description of the aspirations of the demonstrator can be found here:
SSITH Secure Hardware Demo
We aim to make demonstrators available
through CASCADES:
A Configurable, Affordable System-on-Chip for Analysis and Demonstration of Election Security
The BMD we used for DEF CON 2019 is based upon the open source BMD developed by our friends at Voting Works. Thanks especially to Ben Adida.

Red teaming: What can I do
Learn about what you can do at DEF CON 2019 and how you can get involved with testing the prototype secure hardware.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequent questions about the secure hardware, the voting system demonstrator, and the projects and organizations that are involved.